Reduce and manage your Endo symptoms, balance your hormones and optimise your fertility
I work with women like you to discover the ROOT causes behind your Endometriosis symptoms and infertility and how to NOURISH your body so you can start to LIVE, THRIVE and CONCEIVE.
Do you wake up every day wondering what pain you will feel today?
Are you panicking about your fertility?
Do you worry about how your Endometriosis symptoms will affect you during pregnancy?
Do you worry about your Endo symptoms coming back postpartum?
I work with women like you to make manageable changes to your nutrition and lifestyle based on a combination of my own personal and painful experiences, and a holistic and functional medicine type approach.
I want you to be able to free yourself of pain and be able to reduce and manage your Endometriosis symptoms. Most importantly I want you to be able to work towards optimal fertility, so you can go on to conceive either naturally or with assisted reproductive technologies (ART).
Do you have awful painful periods?
Are you often in pain at any time of the month?
Did your doctor tell you that your only option to manage your pain was go on the pill or have surgery?
Do you have to hide the pain you are in as it is constant and no one understands?
Have you been told you have only a small or no chance of getting pregnant because you have Endometriosis?
Have you been struggling to get pregnant?
Did you know there is ANOTHER WAY?
Well there IS and I can PERSONALLY vouch for it!
Book your free 30 minute 1:1 Explore Coaching Call to discuss your health and see if 1-to-1 personal Endo Fertility nutrition and health coaching is right for you.

Join my FREE and private Facebook Group Thrive and Conceive with Endometriosis where women like you have access to free resources and advice.

My Latest podcast episodes

EF#55: From Fatigue to Fertility: Understanding the Role of Epstein-Barr Virus in Women’s Health
Discover how Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) affects women with endometriosis trying to conceive. Learn about triggers, symptoms, and actionable tips to enhance fertility.

EF#54: Surviving Christmas with Endometriosis: A Guide for Those Trying to Conceive
Christmas: A Time of Joy and Challenge Christmas can be a magical time, but for women and couples navigating endometriosis and trying to conceive, it

EF#53: Overcoming Fertility Challenges: Sophie’s Inspiring Journey with Endometriosis
In Episode 53 of our podcast, we had the pleasure of speaking with Sophie, a remarkable client whose journey through fertility challenges and endometriosis offers
My Latest Blog Posts

Gut-Reproductive Microbiomes and Endometriosis
🌿 The 27th June is World Microbiome Day! 🌿 It is on this day that the world shares the importance of microbes to our health.

Could Abdominal Massage Help My Endometriosis and Fertility?
The answer is a big YES!! Massage can both improve and reduce some of your Endometriosis symptoms and improve your fertility. As well as being

Is the Endo Diet Right When Trying To Conceive?
With your Endometriosis do you suffer with severe bloating, pain and cramps, headaches, brain fog, fatigue, allergies – these can all be significantly reduced by
My Latest nourishing RECIPES

Gut-Reproductive Microbiomes and Endometriosis
🌿 The 27th June is World Microbiome Day! 🌿 It is on this day that the world shares the importance of microbes to our health.

Gut-Healing Gummies
I’ve been playing with making gelatin sweets in these cute heart, shell and teddy bear moulds. They are easy to make and you can flavour

Green EndoFertility Smoothie
There are so many different types of smoothies you can make. There are however good ones and bad ones! This one is a great one

What my clients

TRY 1:1 Endo fertility coaching for FREE!
If you want to BELIEVE, then I can help you ACHIEVE.
Live and thrive with Endometriosis pain free and fulfil your dream of a healthy and happy pregnancy through sustainable nutrition and lifestyle shifts.
I want to share with you, all I have learnt on my journey, so you don’t have to take so long.
Explore 1:1 coaching with a FREE 30 minute Coaching Call to discuss your health and fertility. You can then see if 1:1 Endo Fertility personal coaching with me is right for you!