Hi! I'm Lizzie Alexander

You, Me and My Mission
Too many women struggle with Endometriosis – would you believe as many as 1 in 10!.
Many women do not even know they have Endometriosis as it can take at least 8-10 years for a diagnosis.
Are you stuck suffering from excruciating pain from one month to the next, having to take copious amounts of pain killers to try to dull the pain?
Once diagnosed, the only options given to you are going on the pill or undergoing painful surgery (which may or may not fix the problem in one go) to remove the growths and scar tissue in an attempt to be free of pain for a while. You might be pain free for a couple of months to several years and for the lucky few completely pain free.
Is your biggest fear about how your fertility could be significantly reduced unexplainably, or because you have damage to your ovaries, Fallopian tubes or uterus? Do you wonder whether you will ever be able to have a baby?
I have been there and I completely understand – I have had these fears, uncertainties, confusion, anger, self-pity and sadness.
This is where I can help YOU help yourself.
My mission is to help women like you with Endometriosis, who desperately want to have the family you have dreamed of, to live without pain and fear. I help guide you to find your way to heal your body through sustainable lifestyle and nutritional shifts, so you can give your body the best chance of conceiving you dream baby.
So Who Am I?
Well, I am a lover of adventure, travel, nature and the outdoors; especially the beach and ocean, and trees and forests. I grew up in a little village in the UK, I have moved house too many times to remember, including lived abroad for 4 years of my adult life in Oman and Jordan.
I used to be a Marine Biologist, a scientific researcher and environmental consultant, but I am now a certified Women’s Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach with a love for health, hormones, nutrition and cooking – in particular Endometriosis and fertility. I am a sponge for information on the wonderous healing power of the human body.
Some of my favourite things in life are listening to my little baby boy giggling, adventures with my handsome hubbie, dark chocolate, trying new foods, reading a good book, and walking barefoot on a beautiful sandy beach!
Why I Know How you Feel
I was diagnosed with endometriosis not long after my 38th birthday, after 25 years of symptoms.
I’d had enough.
I kept being told I had unexplained infertility by the NHS doctors, and yet no one was asking me any questions about my health and how I felt. I’d had all the ‘basic’ scans and tests and nothing had shown up.
I had always known deep down in my gut something was wrong with me – yet I felt unsupported.
In the end, I did my own investigations. After a number of specialists, I was finally told that I had endometriosis. I remember crying for several days – it was out of relief that I hadn’t gone mad, that there was a reason.
You can read the extended versions about my endometriosis diagnosis and fertility journey on my blog.
Six weeks after my laparoscopy and removal of the Endo, the pains were back…..
I had a lot of pent up emotions from anger at allopathic medicine for the inability and difficulty to diagnose this horrid disease. I also felt self-pity, fear, distrust, disappointment, sadness, and a massive sense of urgency to get pregnant at any cost because of my age to name a few.
Finding My Way
I knew I had to find another way. I finally realised I had to make some serious lifestyle and diet changes. I was at rock bottom, but I managed to find a path to follow, which made me feel in control of my own health and begin to trust my body again.
It took dedication and hard work, but not impossible. It was small changes over time that felt manageable to allow my physical and mental self to heal.
With each step I started to feel better and better – I found after a while I had no pains and more energy than I had in years, which was fantastic as I had suffered from bad bouts of chronic fatigue, as well as depression and anxiety for almost two decades!
…..then it happened, we fell pregnant.
It was then I decided that I wanted to help other women. I wanted to pass on what I had learnt on my journey – so they didn’t have to go through what I did.
A month before my 40th birthday I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy!!

Are you ready to take that next step?
Are ready to drop the monthly pain and Endo symptoms, jump off the TTC emotional rollercoaster and agonising over whether your body has the ability to get pregnant?
If so, even if you are due to go for IUI or IVF, then you are ready to start your EndoFertility healing journey and make changes in your life right now.
1) Download my FREE Endo Fertility Coaching Tracker: Symptoms, Lifestyle & Progress
You will automatically then be joined to my Community of EndoFertility Sisters to receive Your EndoFertility News email every fortnight with my latest recipes, blog post, musings, and everything from health and hormonal hacks, to book, article and product reviews. You can unsubscribe at any time.
2) Join my free and PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP – Thrive and Conceive with Endometriosis. This is a community of women in a similar situation as you. I am in there most days posting positive and informative information to help you on your EndoFertility journey.
3) I invite you to find out more about what EndoFertility Coaching with me involves.
Much love and light,
Lizzie xo

Professional Bio & Education
Lizzie Alexander, PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons), is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Holistic Massage Therapist. Lizzie specialises as a Women's Health Coach for women with Endometriosis wanting to get pregnant. She is an Entrepeneur and a mother of one.
Education, Training and Credentials
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology (University of Plymouth, UK)
- Master of Science in Law and Environmental Science (Nottingham University, UK)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Biology (University of Southampton, UK)
- Holistic Massage Therapist (Oxford School of Massage, UK)
- Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (Institute for Integrative Nutrition, USA)
- Fix Your Period Apprenticeship with Nicole Jardim, USA
- Optimal Fertility, Integrative Women’s Health Institute, USA
- Endometriosis Masterclass, Integrative Women’s Health Institute, USA
- Functional Lab Testing, Integrative Women’s Health Institute, USA
- Endometriosis Nutrition and HRV Program, Integrative Women’s Health Institute, USA
- Female Ecology Mastercourse, Invivo Healthcare, UK
- The Reproductive Microbiome, Invivo Healthcare, UK
- 1 Year Fertility Apprenticeship with Angela Heap, UK
- “Vagiversity”, Intimate Ecology Training with Dr Moira Bradfield, Aus
- Nutrigenomics Practitioners Programme, Lifecode Gx
Join My EndoFertility Community
Download my FREE Endo Fertility Coaching Tracker: Symptoms, Lifestyle & Progress and you will automatically join my Community of EndoFertility Sisters and you will receive Your EndoFertility News every fortnight with health tips, hormonal hacks, and other little goodies to heal your body. Plus get insider access on any upcoming workshops, programs, E-books etc that I will be releasing.